
ISTQB® exams are administered by ITQB accredited Exam Providers.

If you are an organization willing to manage an exam for a considerable number of your employees, please contact the ITQB to sort out the possibility to organize an in-house exam.

ISTQB® exams are organized in a consistent way world-wide and are based on a precisely defined number of questions, varying depending on the certification level; questions are distributed in accordance to the syllabi topics and to K-Levels. In order to pass an exam, you must score 65% or higher. 




of Questions

Exam Length


Exam Length


Price (in EURO) Entry Criteria
FOUNDATION 40 60 75 150 € It is suggested that candidates for the Foundation Level certification have at least six months' practical experience in a professional testing role.
FOUNDATION AGILE 40 60 75 150 € To be eligible to undertake the Agile Tester Foundation Extension certification exam, candidates must first hold the ISTQB® Foundation Certificate.
FOUNDATION MODEL BASED 40 60 75 150 € To be eligible to undertake the Model-Based Tester Foundation Extension certification exam, candidates must first hold the ISTQB® Foundation Certificate.
ADVANCED TEST MANAGER 65 180 225 180 € To get the Advanced Level certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate and have sufficient (18 month) practical experience.
ADVANCED TEST ANALYST 60 180 225 180 € To get the Advanced Level certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate and have sufficient (18 month) practical experience.
ADVANCED TECHNICAL TEST ANALYST 45 120 150 180 € To get the Advanced Level certification, candidates must hold the Foundation Certificate and have sufficient (18 month) practical experience.


Please take a look at available sample questions in order to get prepared with our exams.

 Sample Questions - Foundation

 Sample Questions - Foundation Agile

 Sample Questions - Advanced Test Manager

 Sample Questions - Advanceed Test Analyst

 Sample Questions - Advanceed Technical Test Analyst


Exams Providers
Please contact us and register for examination.

Exam Provider Contact Details of Exam Provider

iSQI – International Software Quality Institute GmbH
Friedrich-Egels- Straße 24
14473 Postdam

gasq - Global Association for Software Quality AISBL
100-102 Avenue des Saisons
1050 Bruxelles